School Wide Positive Behaviour

What is SWPBS?


School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPBS) is a broad range of systemic and individualised strategies for important social, emtional and learning outcomes in schools. 

The key attributes of SWPBS include preventitive activities, data-based decision making, and a problem solving orientation. SWPBS uses a tiered intervention framework which invests in prevention (Tier I), identifies and provides targeted supports for individual students at risk for developing challenging behaviour (Tier II), and provides individualised and intensive interventions for students with significant support needs (Tier III).





Promoting Positive Behaviours


Tick Chart 

Our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) values are Respect, Resilience and Responsibility, as we like to call them the 3R’S. All students can receive a tick displaying any of the SWPBS values. Each classroom has a tick chart. Once a child receives 5, 10 or 15 ticks their names are placed in either the junior school or senior school teapot for a chance to be drawn out at assembly for a special morning tea with our amazing principal, Lisa. Students when they reach 15 ticks get a choice of their own individual reward negotiated with their classroom teacher. All of these rewards placed in the teapot contribute to a whole school reward, chosen by the students.






Respectful Relationships


Each year students explore concepts from the following 8 topics of the Respectful Relationships teaching and learning resources which include emotional literacy; personal strengths; positive coping; problem solving; stress management; help seeking; gender and identity and positive gender relations. Explicit lessons are also taught based on the positive behaviours around SWPBS to reinforce these skills.



Shared Agreements


At KCPS we have shared agreements about how to act within different areas of our school. We have visual displays that help encourage and remind our community the expectations and are used as a teaching point to remind students of these expectations.


© 2022 Knox Central Primary School